Java Reference
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System.out.printf("%1$-4d, %2$-4d, %3$-4d %n", 1, 10, 100);
System.out.printf("%1$-4d, %2$-4d, %3$-4d %n", 10, 100, 1000);
// Formatting date and time
Date dt = new Date();
System.out.printf("Today is %tD %n", dt);
System.out.printf("Today is %tF %n", dt);
System.out.printf("Today is %tc %n", dt);
Fu, Hu, and Lo
Lo, Hu, and Fu
1, 10, 100
10, 100, 1000
1, 10, 100
10, 100, 1000
Today is 01/24/14
Today is 2014-01-24
Today is Fri Jan 24 21:41:20 CST 2014
You have been using the System.out.println() and System.out.print() methods to print text on the standard
output. In fact, System.out is an instance of the class, which has println() and print()
instance methods. Java 5 added two more methods, format() and printf() , to the PrintStream class, which can be
used to write a formatted output to a PrintStream instance. Both methods work the same. Listing 13-5 uses
System.out.printf() method to print the formatted text to the standard output.
Java 5 also added a format() static method to the String class, which returns a formatted string. The
formatting behavior of the format() / printf() method of the PrintStream class and the format() static method
of the String class is the same. The only difference between them is that the format()/printf() method in the
PrintStream class writes the formatted output to an output stream, whereas the format() method of the String class
returns the formatted output.
The format() / printf() method of the PrintStream class and the format() static method of the String class
are convenience methods. These convenience methods exist to make the job of text formatting easier. However,
the Formatter class does the real work. Let's discuss the Formatter class in detail. You will use these convenience
methods in the examples.
A Formatter is used to format text. The formatted text can be written to the following destinations:
Appendable (e.g. StringBuffer , StringBuilder , Writer , etc.)
The following snippet of code accomplishes the same thing as the code in Listing 13-5. This time, you use a
Formatter object to format the data. When you call the format() method of the Formatter object, the formatted text
is stored in the StringBuilder object, which you pass to the constructor of the Formatter object. When you are done
with formatting all text, you call the toString() method of the StringBuilder to get the entire formatted text.
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