Java Reference
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Gregorian Calendar: Tue Feb 11 15:45:50 CST 2014
Local Date: 2014-02-11
Local Time: 15:45:50
Local DateTime: 2014-02-11T15:45:50
Offset Date: 2014-02-11T15:45:50-06:00
Offset Time: 15:45:50-06:00
Zoned DateTime: 2014-02-11T15:45:50-06:00[America/Chicago]
Zone ID: America/Chicago
Time Zone ID: America/Chicago
Gregorian Calendar: Tue Feb 11 15:45:50 CST 2014
Through the java.time packages, Java 8 provides a comprehensive Date-Time API to work with date, time, and
datetime. By default, most of the classes are based on the ISO-8601 standards. The main classes are
The Instant class represents an instant on the timeline and it is suitable for machines, for example, as
timestamps for event. The LocalDate , LocalTime , and LocalDateTime classes represents human readable date, time,
and datetime without a time zone. The OffsetTime and OffsetDateTime represent a time and datetime with a zone
offset from UTC. The ZoneDateTime class represents a datetime for a time zone with zone rules, which will adjust the
time according to the daylight saving time changes in the time zone.
The Date-Time API provides classes for representing an amount of time used with machines and humans. The
Duration class represents an amount of time for machines whereas the Period class represents an amount of time as
perceived by humans. The Date-Time API provides extensive support for formatting and parsing date and times through
the java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter class. The Date-Time API supports non-ISO calendar systems through the
java.time.chrono package. Built-in supports for Hijrah, Japanese, Minguo, and Thai Buddhist calendars are provided.
The API is extensible and supports building your calendar systems.
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