Java Reference
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You can use objects of the StringBuilder class, instead of the String class, in situations where content of a string
changes frequently. Recall that because of the immutability of the String class, string manipulations using a String
object result in many new String objects, which in turn degrade the performance. A StringBuilder object can be
thought of as a modifiable string. It has many methods to modify its contents.
The StringBuilder class contains four constructors:
StringBuilder(CharSequence seq)
StringBuilder(int capacity)
StringBuilder(String str)
The no-args constructor creates an empty StringBuilder with a default capacity of 16.
The second constructor takes a CharSequence object as an argument. It creates a StringBuilder object, whose
content is the same as the specified CharSequence .
The third constructor takes an int as argument; it creates an empty StringBuilder object whose initial capacity
is the same as the specified argument. The capacity of a StringBuilder is the number of characters it can hold
without allocating more space. The capacity gets adjusted automatically when additional space is needed.
The fourth constructor takes a String and creates a StringBuilder that has the same content as the specified
String . The following are some examples of creating StringBuilder objects:
// Create an empty StringBuilder with a default initial capacity of 16 characters
StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder();
// Create a StringBuilder from of a string
StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("Here is the content");
// Create an empty StringBuilder with 200 characters as the initial capacity
StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder(200);
The append() method lets you add text to the end of the StringBuilder . It is overloaded. It takes many types
of arguments. Please refer to the API documentation for the class for the complete list of all overloaded append()
methods. It has other methods, for example, insert() and delete() , that let you modify its content, too.
The StringBuilder class has two properties: length and capacity . At a given point in time, their values may
not be the same. Its length refers to the length of its content whereas its capacity refers to the maximum number of
characters it can hold without going for new memory to be allocated. Its length can be, at most, equal to its capacity.
The length() and capacity() methods return its length and capacity, respectively. For example,
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200); // Capacity:200, length:0
sb.append("Hello"); // Capacity:200, length:5
int len = sb.length(); // len is assigned 5
int capacity = sb.capacity(); // capacity is assigned 200
Capacity of a StringBuilder is controlled by the runtime, whereas its length is controlled by the content you
place in it. The runtime adjusts the capacity as its content is modified.
You can get the content of a StringBuilder as a String by using its toString() method.
// Create a String object
String s1 = new String("Hello");
// Create a StringBuilder from of the String object s1
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s1);
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