Java Reference
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When Java encounters the string literal "Hello" in the program, it tries to find a match in the string pool. If there
is no String object with the content "Hello" in the string pool, a new String object with "Hello" content is created
and added to the string pool. The string literal "Hello" will be replaced by the reference of that new String object in
the string pool. Because you are using the new operator, Java will create another string object on the heap. Therefore,
two String objects will be created in this case. Consider the following code:
String str1 = new String("Hello");
String str2 = new String("Hello");
How many String objects will be created by this code? Suppose when the first statement is executed, "Hello"
was not in the string pool. Therefore, the first statement will create two String objects. When the second statement
is executed, the string literal "Hello" will be found in the string pool. This time, "Hello" will be replaced by the
reference of the already existing object in the pool. However, Java will create a new String object because you are
using the new operator in the second statement. The above two statements will create three String objects assuming
that "Hello" was not there in the string pool. If "Hello" was already in the string pool when these statements started
executing, only two String objects will be created.
Consider the following statements:
String str1 = new String("Hello");
String str2 = new String("Hello");
String str3 = "Hello";
String str4 = "Hello";
What will be the value returned by str1 == str2 ? It will be false because the new operator always creates a new
object in memory and returns the reference of that new object.
What will be the value returned by str2 == str3 ? It will be false again. This needs a little explanation. Note that
the new operator always creates a new object. Therefore, str2 has a reference to a new object in memory. Because
"Hello" has already been encountered while executing the first statement, it exists in the string pool and str3 refers
to the String object with content "Hello" in the string pool. Therefore, str2 and str3 refer to two different objects
and str2 == str3 returns false .
What will be the value returned by str3 == str4 ? It will be true . Note that "Hello" has already been added to
the string pool when the first statement was executed. The third statement will assign a reference of a String object
from the string pool to str3 . The fourth statement will assign the same object reference from the string pool to
str4 . In other words, both str3 and str4 are referring to the same String object in the string pool. The == operator
compares the two references; therefore, str3 == str4 returns true .
Consider another example.
String s1 = "Have" + "Fun";
String s2 = "HaveFun";
Will s1 == s2 return true ? Yes, it will return true . When a String object is created in a compile-time constant
expression, it is also added to the string pool. Since "Have" + "Fun" is a compile-time constant expression, the
resulting string, "HaveFun" , will be added to the string pool. Therefore, s1 and s2 will refer to the same object in the
string pool.
All compile-time constant string literals are added to the string pool. Consider the following examples to clarify
this rule:
final String constStr = "Constant"; // constStr is a constant
String varStr = "Variable"; // varStr is not a constant
// "Constant is pooled" will be added to the string pool
String s1 = constStr + " is pooled";
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