Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 11
In this chapter, you will learn:
String object is
What a
String objects
How to create
String literals
How to use
How to manipulate
Strings in a switch statement
How to use
StringBuilder and StringBuffer objects to work with mutable strings
How to use
What is a String?
A sequence of zero or more characters is known as a string. In Java programs, a string is represented by an object of the
java.lang.String class. The String class is immutable. That is, the contents of a String object cannot be modified
after it has been created. The String class has two companion classes, java.lang.StringBuilder and java.lang.
StringBuffer . The StringBuilder class was introduced in Java 5. The companion classes are mutable. You should use
them when the contents of your string can be modified.
String Literals
A string literal consists of a sequence of zero or more characters enclosed in double quotes. All string literals are
objects of the String class. Examples of string literals are
"" // An Empty string
"Hello" // A string literal consisting of 5 characters
"Just a string literal" // A string literal consisting of 21 characters
Multiple string literals can be used to compose a single string literal.
// Composed of two string literals "Hello" and "Hi". It represents one string literal "HelloHi"
"Hello" + "Hi"
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