Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Exception is also a checked exception type in Java as is IOException . If a catch block should not catch a checked
exception unless it is thrown in the corresponding try block, how does the code for CatchNonExistentException2
compile fine? Should it not generate the same compiler error? At first thought, you are right. It should fail compilation
for the same reason the CatchNonExistentException class failed. There are two checked exceptions classes that are
exceptions to this rule. Those two exception classes are Exception and Throwable . The Exception class is the superclass
of IOException and other exceptions, which are checked exceptions. It is also the superclass of RuntimeException
and all subclasses of RuntimeException , which are unchecked exceptions. Recall the rule that a superclass exception
type can also handle a subclass exception type. Therefore, you can use the Exception class to handle checked
exceptions as well as unchecked exceptions. The rule of checking for catch blocks for un-thrown exceptions applies
only to checked exceptions. Exception and Throwable classes in a catch block can handle checked as well as
unchecked exceptions because they are superclasses of both types. This is the reason that the compiler will let you
use these two checked exception types in a catch block, even though the associated try block does not throw any
checked exceptions.
all rules about the compiler check for exceptions being handled or thrown are applicable only to checked
exceptions. Java does not force you to handle the unchecked exceptions in your code. however, you are free to handle
them as you feel appropriate to do so.
Checked Exceptions and Initializers
You cannot throw a checked exception from a static initializer. If a piece of code in a static initializer throws a
checked exception, it must be handled using a try-catch block inside the initializer itself. The static initializer is
called only once for a class, and the programmer does not have a specific point in code to catch it. This is the reason
that a static initializer must handle all possible checked exceptions that it may throw.
public class Test {
static {
// Must use try-catch blocks to handle all checked exceptions
The rule is different for instance initializers. An instance initializer is called as part of a constructor call for the
class. It may throw checked exceptions. However, all those checked exceptions must be included in the throws clause
of all constructors for that class. This way, the compiler can make sure all checked exceptions are taken care of by
programmers when any of the constructors are called. The following code for the Test class assumes that the instance
initializer throws a checked exception of a CException type. The compiler will force you to add a throws clause with
CException to all constructors of Test .
public class Test {
// Instance initializer
// Throws a checked exception of type CException
// All constructors must specify that they throw CException
// because the instance initializer throws CException
public Test() throws CException {
// Code goes here
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