Java Reference
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public void m1() throws Exception1, Exception3 {
statement-1; // May throw Exception1
try {
statement-2; // May throw Exception2
catch(Exception2 e){
// Handle Exception2 here
statement-3; // May throw Exception3
Let's get back to the ReadInput class example. Listing 9-3 fixed the compiler error by adding a try-catch block.
Let's now use the second option: include a throws clause in the readChar() method's declaration. Listing 9-5 has
another version of the ReadInput class, which is called ReadInput2 .
Listing 9-5. Using a throws Clause in a Method's Declaration
package com.jdojo.exception;
public class ReadInput2 {
public static char readChar() throws IOException {
char c = '\u0000';
int input = 0;
input =;
if (input != -1) {
c = (char)input;
return c;
The following code for the ReadInput2Test class tests the readChar() method of the ReadInput2 class:
package com.jdojo.exception;
public class ReadInput2Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.print("Enter some text and then press Enter key: ");
char c = ReadInput2.readChar();
System.out.print("The first character you entered is: " + c);
Now, compile the ReadInput2Test class. Oops! Compiling the ReadInput2Test class generates the following error:
Error(6,11): unreported exception: class; must be caught or declared to be thrown
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