Java Reference
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Figure 9-2. A few classes in the exception class hierarchy
The exception class hierarchy starts at the java.lang.Throwable class. Recall that the Object class is the
superclass for all classes in Java. It is also the superclass of the Throwable class. This is the reason that the figure shows
the Object class at the top of the class hierarchy. It is to be emphasized that the Java exception class family starts at the
Throwable class, not at the Object class.
When an exception is thrown, it must be an object of the Throwable class, or any of its subclasses. The parameter
of the catch block must be of type Throwable , or one of its subclasses, such as Exception , ArithmeticException ,
IOException , etc. The following catch blocks are not valid catch blocks because their parameters are not a Throwable
or a subclass of Throwable :
// A compile-time error. The Object class is not a throwable class.
catch(Object e1) {
// A compile-time error. The String class is not a throwable class.
catch(String e1) {
The following catch blocks are valid because they specify throwable types as a parameter, which are the
Throwable class or its subclasses:
// Throwable is a valid exception class
catch(Throwable t) {
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