Java Reference
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Are you surprised by looking at the above output? Apply the rules that I have listed and you will find that the
above output followed those rules. The call to test(101) is clear because it widens 101 from int to long and executes
the test(long) method. To call test(new Integer(101)) , it looks for a method test(Integer) and it does not
find one. Note that a reference type is never widened. That is, an Integer is never widened to Long . Therefore, it
unboxes the Integer to int and looks for test(int) method, which it does not find. Now, it widens the int and finds
test(long) and executes it.
I have one more surprise. Consider the following two test() methods:
public void test(Long lObject) {
System.out.println("Long=" + lObject);
public void test(Object obj) {
System.out.println("Object=" + obj);
What will be printed when you execute the following code?
test(new Integer(101));
This time, you will get the following output:
Does it make sense? Not really. Here is the explanation. When it calls test(101) , it has to box int to an Integer ,
because there is no match for test(int) , even after widening the int value. So, test(101) becomes test(Integer.
valueOf(101)) . Now it does not find any test(Integer) either. Note that Integer is a reference type and it inherits
the Number class, which in turn inherits the Object class. Therefore, an Integer is always an Object , and Java
allows you to assign an object of subtype (Integer) to a variable of supertype (Object) . This is the reason that
the test(Object) is called in this case. The second call, test(new Integer(101)) , works the same way. It tries for
test(Integer) method. When it does not find it, the next match for it is test(Object) based on the subtype and
supertype assignment rule for reference types.
Comparison Operators and AutoBoxing/Unboxing
I will discuss comparison operations == , > , >= , < , <= . Only == (logical equality operator) can be used with both
reference type and primitive types. The other operators must be used only with primitive types.
Let's discuss the easy ones ( >, >=, < and <=) first. If a numeric wrapper object is used with these comparison
operators, it must be unboxed and the corresponding primitive type used in the comparison. Consider the following
snippet of code:
Integer a = 100;
Integer b = 100;
System.out.println("a : " + a);
System.out.println("b : " + b);
System.out.println("a > b: " + (a > b));
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