Java Reference
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// Display the result using int variables
System.out.println(iValue + " + " + jValue + " = " + kValue);
200 + 300 = 500
Note the amount of code needed just to add two int values. Wrapping/unwrapping an int value to an Integer
and vice versa is just a pain for Java developers. Java designers realized it (though too late) and they automated this
wrapping and unwrapping process for you.
The automatic wrapping from a primitive data type ( byte , short , int , long , float , double , char and boolean )
to its corresponding wrapper object ( Byte , Integer , Long , Float , Double , Character and Boolean ) is called
autoboxingThe reverse, unwrapping from wrapper object to its corresponding primitive data type, is called unboxing.
With autoboxing/unboxing, the following code is valid:
Integer n = 200; // Boxing
int a = n; // Unboxing
The compiler will replace the above statement with the following:
Integer n = Integer.valueOf(200);
int a = n.intValue();
The code in the main() method of the MathUtil class listed in Listing 8-2 can be rewritten as follows. The boxing
and unboxing are done for you automatically.
int iValue = 200;
int jValue = 300;
int kValue = MathUtil.add(iValue, jValue);
System.out.println(iValue + " + " + jValue + " = " + kValue);
autoboxing/unboxing is performed when you compile the code. the JVM is completely unaware of the boxing
and unboxing performed by the compiler.
Beware of Null Values
Autoboxing/unboxing does save you from writing additional lines of codes. It also makes your code look neater.
However, it does come with some surprises. One of the surprises is getting a NullPointerException where you would
not expect it to happen. Primitive types cannot have a null value assigned to them, whereas reference types can have
a null value. The boxing and unboxing happens between primitive types and reference types. Look at the following
snippet of code:
Integer n = null; // n can be assigned a null value
int a = n; // will throw NullPointerException at run time
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