Java Reference
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the new operator always creates a new object. If you do not need new objects of the primitive values, use the
valueOf() factory method of the wrapper class instead of using the constructors. the equals() methods in the wrapper
classes have been reimplemented to compare the wrapped primitive values in wrapper objects, not their references.
Numeric Wrapper Classes
Byte , Short , Integer , Long , Float , and Double classes are numeric wrapper classes. They are all inherited from the
Number class. The Number class is declared abstract. You cannot create an object of the Number class. However, you can
declare reference variables of the Number class. You can assign an object reference of any of the six numeric wrapper
classes to a reference of the Number class.
The Number class contains six methods. They are named xxxValue() where xxx is one of the six primitive data
types ( byte , short , int , long , float , and double ). The return type of the methods is the same as xxx . That is, the
byteValue() method returns a byte , the intValue() method returns an int , etc. The following snippet shows how to
retrieve different primate type values from a numeric wrapper object:
// Creates an Integer object
Integer intObj = Integer.valueOf(100);
// Gets byte from Integer
byte b = intObj.byteValue();
// Gets double from Integer
double dd = intObj.doubleValue();
System.out.println("intObj = " + intObj);
System.out.println("byte from intObj = " + b);
System.out.println("double from intObj = " + dd);
// Creates a Double object
Double doubleObj = Double.valueOf("329.78");
// Gets different types of primitive values from Double
double d = doubleObj.doubleValue();
float f = doubleObj.floatValue();
int i = doubleObj.intValue();
long l = doubleObj.longValue();
System.out.println("doubleObj = " + doubleObj);
System.out.println("double from doubleObj = " + d);
System.out.println("float from doubleObj = " + f);
System.out.println("int from doubleObj = " + i);
System.out.println("long from doubleObj = " + l);
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