Java Reference
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public static void printNameWithSuplier(String name, Supplier<String> messageSupplier) {
// Test name for not null. Generate a NullPointerException if it is null.
Objects.requireNonNull(name, messageSupplier);
// Print the name if the above statement dod not throw an exception
System.out.println("Name is " + name);
Hash Code is 79643668
null is equal to null: true
null is equal to XYZ: false
toString(null) is null
toString(null, "XXX") is XXX
Name is Doug Dyer
Name is required.
Name is Babalu
Name is required. Error generated on 2014-01-18T06:02:43.713Z
Classes in Java are arranged in a tree-like hierarchy. Classes in the tree have a superclass-subclass relationship. The
Object class is at the root of the class hierarchy. It is the superclass of all classes in Java. The Object class is in the
java.lang package. The Object class contains methods that are automatically available in all classes. Some methods
have been implemented and some not. Classes can also reimplement some methods in the Object class. A reference
variable of the Object class can store the reference of any reference type in Java.
Java 7 added a utility class Objects in the java.util package. The class contains convenience methods to
compute hash codes for objects. Most of the methods in this class exist to deal with null value gracefully. Java 8 has
added some additional methods to this class for the new lambda language feature.
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