Java Reference
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DoubleHolder dh = new DoubleHolder(100.00);
DoubleHolder dhClone = (DoubleHolder) dh.clone();
At this point, there are two separate objects of the DoubleHolder class. The dh variable references the original
object and dhClone variable references the cone of the original object. The original as well as the cloned object hold
the same value of 100.00 . However, they have separate copies of the value. If you change the value in the original
object, for example, dh.setValue(200) , the value in the cloned object remains unchanged. Listing 7-8 shows how
to use the clone() method to clone an object of the DoubleHolder class. The output proves that once you clone an
object, there are two separate objects in memory.
Listing 7-8. A Test Class to Demonstrate Object Cloning
package com.jdojo.object;
public class CloningTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DoubleHolder dh = new DoubleHolder(100.00);
// Clone dh
DoubleHolder dhClone = (DoubleHolder)dh.clone();
// Print the values in original and clone
System.out.println("Original:" + dh.getValue());
System.out.println("Clone :" + dhClone.getValue());
// Change the value in original and clone
// Print the values in original and clone again
System.out.println("Original:" + dh.getValue());
System.out.println("Clone :" + dhClone.getValue());
Clone :100.0
Clone :400.0
From Java 5, you need not specify the return type of the clone() method in your class as the Object type. You
can specify your class as the return type in the clone() method declaration. This will not force the client code to
use a cast when it call the clone() method of your class. The following snippet of code shows the changed code for
the DoubleHolder class, which will compile only in Java 5 or later. It declares DoubleHolder as the return type of the
clone() method and uses a cast in the return statement.
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