Java Reference
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The following snippet of code shows you how to use the toString() method of the SmartIntHolder class:
// Create an object of the SmartIntHolder class
SmartIntHolder intHolder = new SmartIntHolder(234);
String intHolderStr = intHolder.toString();
// Change the value in SmartIntHolder object
intHolderStr = intHolder.toString();
There is no special technical requirement for reimplementing the toString() method in your class. You need
to make sure it is declared public , its return type is String, and it does not take any parameters. The returned string
should be human readable text to give an idea about the state of the object at the time the method is called. It is
recommended to reimplement the toString() method of the Object class in every class you create.
Suppose you have a Point class to represent a 2D point as shown in Listing 7-6. A Point holds the x and y
coordinates of a point. An implementation of the toString() method in the Point class may return a string of the
form (x, y) , where x and y are the coordinates of the point.
Listing 7-6. A Point Class Whose Object Represents a 2-D Point
package com.jdojo.object;
public class Point {
private int x;
private int y;
public Point(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
/* Reimplement toString() method of the Object class */
public String toString() {
String str = "(" + x + ", " + y + ")";
return str;
The toString() method of a class is very important, and Java provides you with easy ways to use it. Java calls
the toString() method of an object automatically for you in situations when it needs a string representation of the
object. Two such situations that are worth mentioning:
A string concatenation expression involving a reference of an object
System.out.print() and System.out.println() methods with an object reference
as a parameter
A call to
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