Java Reference
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// Use price
long priceBits = Double.doubleToLongBits(price);
code = (int)(priceBits ^ (priceBits >>>32));
hash = hash * 59 + code;
return hash;
The class has five instance variables: title , author , pageCount , hardcover , and price . The implementation uses
all five instance variables to compute the hash code for a Book object. You must also implement the equals() method
for the Book class, which must use all the five instance variables to check if two Book objects are equal. You need to
make sure that the equals() method and the hashCode() method use the same set of instance variables in their
logic. Suppose you add one more instance variable to the Book class. Let's call it ISBN . Because ISBN identifies a book
uniquely, you might use only the ISBN instance variable to compute its hash code and to compare for equality with
another Book object. In this case, it will be sufficient to use only one instance variable to compute the hash code and
check for equality.
There are some misconceptions about the hash code of an object in Java. Developers think that the hash code
uniquely identifies an object and it must be a positive integer. However, they are not true. The hash code does not
identify an object uniquely. Two distinct objects may have the same hash codes. A hash code does not have to be
only a positive number. It could be any integer value, positive as or negative. There is also confusion about the usage
of hash codes. They are used solely for the purpose of efficient retrieval of data from a hash-based collection. If your
objects are not used as keys in hash based collections and you do not override the equals() method in your class,
you do not need to worry about reimplementing the hashCode() method in your class at all. Most likely, it will be
overriding the equals() method that will prompt you to override the hashCode() method for your class. If you do not
override and provide correct implementation of hashCode() and equals() methods in your class at the same time, the
objects of your class would not behave properly in hash-based collections. The Java compiler or the Java runtime will
never give you any warnings or errors about the incorrect implementations of these two methods in your class.
Comparing Objects for Equality
Every object in the universe is different from all other objects, and every object in a Java program is different from all
other objects. All objects have a unique identity. The memory address at which an object is allocated can be treated as
its identity, which will make it always unique. Two objects are the same if they have the same identity (or reference in
Java terminology). Consider the following snippet of code:
Object obj1;
Object obj2;
/* Do something... */
if (obj1 == obj2) {
/* obj1 and obj2 are the same object based on identity */
else {
/* obj1 and obj2 are different objects based on identity */
The above code uses identity comparison to test for equality of obj1 and obj2 . It compares the references of two
objects to test whether they are equal.
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