Java Reference
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The value 754 is directly stored at the memory address 131072 , which is associated with the id variable name.
What happens if you execute the following statement, which assigns a new value of 351 to the id variable?
id = 351;
When a new value 351 is assigned to the id variable, the old value of 754 is replaced with the new value at the
memory address as shown in Figure 6-12 .
Variable name
Value stored at the address
Memory address
Figure 6-12. The memory state for an id variable when a new value of 351 is assigned to it
Things are different when you work with objects and reference variables. Let's consider the declaration of a Car
class as shown in Listing 6-21. It has three instance variables: model , year , and price , which have been given initial
values of "Unknown" , 2000 , and 0.0 , respectively.
Listing 6-21. Car Class with Three Public Instance Variables
package com.jdojo.cls;
public class Car {
public String model = "Unknown";
public int year = 2000;
public double price = 0.0;
When you create an object of a reference type, the object is created on the heap and it is stored at a specific
memory address. Let's create an object of the Car class as follows:
new Car();
Figure 6-13 shows the memory state when the above statement is executed to create a Car object. You probably
assumed that the memory address where the object is stored is 262144 . Notice that when an object is created, memory
is allocated for all of its instance variables and they are initialized. In this case, model , year , and price of the new Car
object have been initialized properly, as shown in the figure.
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