Java Reference
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Note that there is no access level modifier used for the AccessLevel2 class, which gives it a package-level access
by default. That is, the AccessLevel2 class is accessible only within the com.jdojo.cls package. The AccessLeve2
class is simple. It declares only one member, which is the public static variable v1 .
Let's consider the class AccessLevelTest3 shown in Listing 6-18, which is in a different package than the class
AccessLevel2 .
Listing 6-18. A Test Class That Attempts to Access a Public Member of a Class with a Package-level Access
package com.jdojo.cls.p1;
import com.jdojo.cls.AccessLevel2; // A compile-time error
public class AccessLevelTest3 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int a = AccessLevel2.v1; // A compile-time error
The AccesssLeveTest3 class attempts to access the public static variable v1 of the AccessLevel2 class, which
generates a compiler error. Did I not say that a class member with public access level is accessible from anywhere?
Yes. I did say that. Here is the catch. Suppose you have some money in your pocket and you declare that your money
is public. Therefore, anyone can have your money. However, you hide yourself so that no one can have access
to you. How can anyone access your money unless you become accessible to him first? This is the case with the
AccessLevel2 class and its public static variable v1 . Compare the AccessLevel2 class with yourself, and its public
static variable v1 with your money. The AccessLevel2 class has package-level access. Therefore, only the code
within its package ( com.jdojo.cls ) can access its name. Its static variable v1 has the access level of public , which
means any code can access it from any package. The static variable v1 belongs to the AccessLevel2 class. Unless the
AccessLevel2 class itself is accessible, its static variable v1 cannot be accessed, even though it has been declared
public . The import statement in Listing 6-18 will also generate a compiler error for the reason that the AccessLevel2
class is not accessible outside its package com.jdojo.cls .
You must consider the access level of both the class and its member to determine whether a class member is
accessible. the access level of a class member may make it accessible to a part of a program. however, that part of a
program can access the class member only if the class itself, to which the member belongs, is also accessible.
Access Level—A Case Study
A class member can have one of the four access levels: private , protected , public , or package-level. Which access
level should be used with a class member? The answer depends on the member type and its purpose. Let's discuss an
example of a bank account. Suppose you create a class Account to represent a bank account.
package com.jdojo.cls;
public class Account {
public double balance;
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