Java Reference
In-Depth Information
You can think of the jack variable as a remote controller for a Human instance in memory. You can refer to the
Human instance in memory using the jack variable. I will discuss how to use a reference variable in the next section.
You can also combine the above two statements into one.
Human jack = new Human();
The null Reference Type
Every class in Java defines a new reference type. Java has a special reference type called null type. It has no name.
Therefore, you cannot define a variable of the null reference type. The null reference type has only one value defined
by Java, which is the null literal. It is simply null . The null reference type is assignment compatible with any other
reference type. That is, you can assign a null value to a variable of any reference type. Practically, a null value stored
in a reference type variable means that the reference variable is referring to no object. You can think of storing a
null to a reference variable as a string with no balloon attached to it, where balloon is a valid object and string is a
reference variable. For example, you can write code like
// Assign null value to john
Human john = null; // john is not referring to any object
john = new Human(); // Now, john is referring to a valid Human object
You can use a null literal with comparison operators to check for equality and inequality.
if (john == null) {
// john is referring to null. Cannot use john for anything
if (john != null) {
// Do something with john
Note that null is a literal of null type. Java does not let you mix reference types and primitive types. You cannot
assign null to a primitive type variable. The following assignment statement will generate a compilation time error:
// A compile-time error. A reference type value, null, cannot be assigned to
// a primitive type variable num
int num = null;
Because null (or any reference type value) cannot be assigned to a primitive type variable, Java compiler does
not allow you to compare a primitive value to a null value. The following comparison will generate a compilation
time error. In other words, you can compare a reference type with reference types, and a primitive type with
primitive types.
int num = 0;
// A compile-time error. Cannot compare a primitive type to a reference type
if (num == null) {
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