Java Reference
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The output of the above snippet of code will be 11. Why did it print only one element of the 3x3 matrix? This time
you have used a labeled break statement inside the inner for -loop statement. When i == j evaluates to true for
the first time, the labeled break statement is executed. It transfers control out of the block, which has been labeled
as outer . Note that the outer label appears just before the outer for -loop statement. Therefore, the block associated
with the label outer is the outer for -loop statement. A labeled statement can be used not only inside switch ,
for -loop, while -loop, and do-while statements. Rather it can be used with any type of a block statement. The
following is a trivial example of a labeled break Statements:
int i = 10;
if (i == 5) {
break blockLabel; // Exits the block
if (i == 10) {
System.out.println("i is not five");
One important point to remember about a labeled break statement is that the label used with the break
statement must be the label for the block in which that labeled break statement is used. The following snippet of code
illustrates an incorrect use of a labeled break Statements:
int i = 10;
if (i == 10)
break lab1; // Ok. lab1 can be used here
int i = 10;
if (i == 10)
// A compile-time error. lab1 cannot be used here because this block is not
// associated with lab1 label. We can use only lab2 in this block
break lab1;
The continue Statement
A continue statement can only be used inside the for -loop, while -loop, and do-while statements. There are two
forms of the continue Statements:
continue statement
continue statement
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