Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The for-each Statement
Java 5 introduced an enhanced for loop, which is called a for-each loop. It is used for iterating over elements of
arrays and collections. This section is included here to complete the list of statements that lets you loop through a
group values. Please refer to the chapters on arrays and collections for more detailed explanation of the for-each
loop. The general syntax for a for - each loop is as follows:
for(Type element : a_collection_or_an_array) {
// This code will be executed once for each element in the collection/array.
// Each time this code is executed, the element variable holds the reference
// of the current element in the collection/array
The following snippet of code prints all elements of an int array numList :
int[] numList = {10, 20, 30, 40};
for(int num : numList) {
The while Statement
A while statement is another iteration (or, loop) statement, which is used to execute a statement repeatedly as long
as a condition is true. A while statement is also known as a while -loop statement. The general form of a while -loop
statement is
while (condition-expression)
The condition-expression must be a boolean expression and the statement can be a simple statement or a
block statement. The condition-expression is evaluated first. If it returns true , the statement is executed. Again,
the condition-expression is evaluated. If it returns true , the statement is executed. This loop continues until the
condition-expression returns false . Unlike the for -loop statement, the condition-expression in a while -loop
statement is not optional. For example, to make a while statement infinite loop, you need to use the boolean literal
true as the condition-expression.
while (true)
System.out.println ("This is an infinite loop");
In general, a for -loop statement can be converted to a while -loop statement. However, not all for -loop
statements can be converted to a while -loop statement. The conversion between a for -loop and a while -loop
statement is shown below.
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