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The code to print the 3x3 matrix can be written as
// Outer for-loop statement
for(int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
// Inner for-loop statement
for(int j = 1; j <= 3; j++) {
System.out.print(i + "" + j);
// Prints a tab after each column value
System.out.println(); // Prints a new line
The above piece of code can be explained using the following steps.
The execution starts in the initialization part (int i = 1) of the outer for -loop statement
where i is initialized to 1.
The condition-expression for the outer for -loop statement ( i <= 3) is evaluated for i
equal to 1, which is true.
The statement part of the outer for loop starts with an inner for -loop statement.
Now j is initialized to 1.
The condition-expression for the inner for -loop statement ( j <= 3) is evaluated for j
equal to 1, which is true.
The block statement associated with the inner for -loop statement is executed, which
prints 11 and a tab.
The expression-list of the inner for -loop statement ( j++ ) is executed, which increments
the value of j to 2.
The condition expression for the inner for -loop statement ( j <= 3) is evaluated for j
equal to 2, which is true.
The block statement associated with the inner for -loop statement is executed, which
prints 12 and a tab. At this stage the printed text is
11 12
The expression-list of the inner for -loop statement ( j++ ) is executed, which increments
the value of j to 3.
The condition-expression for the inner for -loop statement ( j <= 3) is evaluated for j
equal to 3, which is true .
The block statement associated with the inner for -loop statement is executed, which
prints 13 and a tab. At this stage the printed text is
11 12 13
The expression-list of the inner for -loop statement ( j++ ) is executed, which increments
the value of j to 4.
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