Java Reference
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// Using a switch statement
switch (i) {
case 10:
System.out.println(“i is 10");
case 20:
System.out.println("i is 20");
System.out.println("i is neither 10 nor 20");
The for Statement
A for statement is an iteration statement (also called a for -loop statement), which is used to loop through a
statement for a number of times based on some conditions. The general form of a for -loop statement is
for (initialization; condition-expression; expression-list)
The initialization, condition-expression, and expression-list are separated by a semicolon. A for -loop statement
consists of four parts:
First, the initialization part is executed; then, the condition-expression is evaluated. If the condition-expression
evaluates to true , the statement associated with the for -loop statement is executed. After that, all expressions in
the expression-list are evaluated. The condition-expression is evaluated again, and if it evaluates to true , statement
associated with the for -loop statement is executed and then the expression-list, and so on. This loop of execution
is repeated until the condition-expression evaluates to false . The execution of a for -loop statement is depicted in
Figure 5-2 .
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