Java Reference
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You cannot write an if statement like this:
if (i = 5) /* A compile-time error */
This if statement will not compile because i = 5 is an assignment expression and it evaluates to an int value
5. The condition expression must return a Boolean value: true or false . Therefore, an assignment expression cannot
be used as a condition expression in an if statement, except when you are assigning a Boolean value to a boolean
variable, like so:
boolean b;
if (b = true) /* Always returns true */
Here, the assignment expression b = true always returns true after assigning true to b. In this case, the use of
the assignment expression in if statement is allowed because the data type of expression b = true is boolean .
You can use the ternary operator in place of simple if-else statement. Suppose, if a person is male, you want to
set the title to “Mr.” and if not, to “Ms.”. You can accomplish this using an if-else statement and also using a ternary
operator, like so:
String title = "";
boolean isMale = true;
// Using an if-else statement
if (isMale)
title = "Mr.";
title = "Ms.";
// Using a ternary operator
title = (isMale ? "Mr." : "Ms.");
You can see the difference in using the if-else statement and the ternary operator. The code is compact using
the ternary operator. However, you cannot use a ternary operator to replace all if-else statements. You can use the
ternary operator in place of the if-else statement only when the if and else parts in the if-else statement contain
only one statement and both statements return the same type of values. Because the ternary operator is an operator, it
can be used in expressions. Suppose you want to assign the minimum of i and j to k . You can do this in the following
declaration statement of the variable k :
int i = 10;
int j = 20;
int k = (i < j ? i : j); // Using a ternary operator in initialization
The same can be achieved using an if-else statement, as shown:
int i = 10;
int j = 20;
int k;
if (i < j)
k = i;
k = j;
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