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What is the result of 13 << 35 ? You might have guessed zero. However, this is not true. In fact, only 32 bits are
used to represent 13 , because 13 is considered as int literal and int occupies 32 bits. You can shift all bits to the
left only by 31 bits in an int . If the left-hand operand of bitwise left shift operator (<<) is int , only five lower order
bits' value of the right-hand operand is used as the number of bits to shift. For example, in 13 << 35 , the right-hand
operand ( 35 ) can be represented in binary as follows:
The five lower order bits in 35 are 00011, which is equal to 3. Therefore, when you write 13 << 35 , it is equivalent
to writing 13 << 3 . For all positive right-hand operands of the bitwise left shift operator, you can take the modulus
of the right-hand operand with 32, which would be the final number of bits to shift. Therefore, 13 << 35 can be
considered as 13 << (35 % 32) which is the same as 13 << 3 . If the left-hand operand is long, the value of the first six
lower order bits of the right-hand operand is used as the number of bits to shift.
long val = 13;
long result;
result = val << 35;
Since val is a long variable, the six lower order bits of 35 , which are 100011 , will be used as the number to shift.
Figure 4-2 shows the steps used to compute 13 >> 4 and -13 >> 4 .
Figure 4-2. Computing 13 >> 4 and -13 >> 4
The bitwise signed right shift operator ( >> ) shifts all the bits to the right by the number specified as its right-hand
operand. If the most significant digit of the left-hand operand is 1 (for negative numbers), all higher order bits are
filled with 1s after the shift operation. If the most significant bit is 0 (for positive numbers), all higher order bits are
filled with 0s. Because the sign bit after right shift operation ( >> ) remains the same, it is called a signed right shift
operator. For example, 13 >> 4 results in zero, as depicted in Figure 4-2 . Also note that in the case of -13 >> 4 all four
higher order bits are filled with 1s because in -13 , the most significant digit is 1. The result of -13 >> 4 is -1 .
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