Java Reference
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Here is a puzzle for Java beginners. The puzzle includes the use of the increment operator as follows:
int i = 15;
i = i++; // What will be the value of i after this assignment?
What will be the value of i after i = i++ is executed? If your guess is 16, you are wrong. Here is the explanation of
how the expression is evaluated.
i++ is evaluated. Because i++ uses a post-fix increment operator, the current value of i is used
in the expression. The current value of i is 15 . The expression becomes i = 15 .
The value of
i is incremented by 1 in memory as the second effect of i++ . At this point, the
value of i is 16 in memory.
The expression
i = 15 is evaluated and the value 15 is assigned to i . The value of the variable
i in memory is 15 and that is the final value. In fact, variable i observed a value 16 in the
previous step, but this step overwrote that value with 15. Therefore, the final value of the
variable i after i = i++ is executed will be 15 , not 16 .
In the above example, the order of operations is important. It is important to note that in case of i++ the value
of the variable i is incremented as soon as the current value of i is used in the expression. To make this point clearer,
consider the following example:
int i = 10;
i = i++ + i; // Assigns 21 to i
i = 10;
i = ++i + i++; // Assigns 22 to i
There are also post-fix and pre-fix decrement operators (e.g. i-- , --i ). The following are examples of using
post-fix and pre-fix decrement operators:
int i = 15;
int j = 16;
i = 10;
i = i--; // Assigns 10 to i
i = 10;
j = i-- + 10; // Assigns 20 to j and 9 to i
i = 10;
j = --i + 10; // Assigns 19 to j and 9 to i
There are two important points to remember about the use of increment and decrement operators.
The operand of the increment and decrement operators must be a variable. For example, the
expression 5++ is incorrect because ++ is being used with a constant.
++ or -- operator is a value, not a variable. For example,
i++ evaluates to a value, so you cannot use i++ as the left-hand of an assignment operator or
where a variable is required.
The result of the expression using
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