Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 4-1. ( continued )
num -= 3
Subtracts 3 from the value of num
and assigns the result to num . If num
is 10, the new value of num will be 7.
compound assignment
num *= 15
Multiplies 15 to the value of num and
assigns the result to num . If num is 10,
the new value of num will be 150.
compound assignment
num /= 5
Divides the value of num by 5 and
assigns the result to num . If num is 10,
the new value of num will be 2.
compound assignment
num %= 5
Calculates the remainder of num
divided by 5 and assigns the result
to num. If num is 12, the new value of
num will be 2.
compound assignment
Addition Operator (+)
The addition operator (+) is used in the form
operand1 + operand2
The addition arithmetic operator (+) is used to add two numeric values represented by the two operands, for
example, 5 + 3 results in 8. The operands may be any numeric literals, numeric variables, numeric expressions, or
method calls. Every expression involving the addition operator has a data type. The data type of the expression is
determined according to one of the four rules:
double , the other operand is converted to the double
data type and the whole expression is of type double . Otherwise,
If one of the operands is the data type
float , the other operand is converted to the float data
type and the whole expression is of type float . Otherwise,
If one of the operands is the data type
long , the other operand is converted to the long data
type and the whole expression is of type long . Otherwise,
If one of the operands is the data type
int , provided they are
If none of the above three rules applies, all operands are converted to
not already of type int , and the whole expression is of type int .
These rules have some important implications. Let's consider a byte variable b1 , which is assigned a value of 5,
as shown in the following piece of code:
byte b1;
b1 = 5;
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