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At this point, go back to the main recovery procedures to finalize the process.
Cisco 2600 TFTP Download and Startup
This section explains how to recover a Cisco 2600 router from either a corrupted or missing ios image.
To gain access to the rommon command line interpreter, hit the break key during the first 15 seconds
after the router has been powered on. From the rommon> prompt you may then use the tftpdnld
command to tftpboot an ios image to the router.
rommon 1 > tftpdnld
Missing or illegal ip address for variable IP_ADDRESS
Illegal IP address.
usage: tftpdnld [-r]
Use this command for disaster recovery only to recover an image via TFTP.
Monitor variables are used to set up parameters for the transfer.
(Syntax: "VARIABLE_NAME=value" and use "set" to show current variables.)
"ctrl-c" or "break" stops the transfer before flash erase begins.
The following variables are REQUIRED to be set for tftpdnld:
IP_ADDRESS: The IP address for this unit
IP_SUBNET_MASK: The subnet mask for this unit
DEFAULT_GATEWAY: The default gateway for this unit
TFTP_SERVER: The IP address of the server to fetch from
TFTP_FILE: The filename to fetch
The following variables are OPTIONAL:
TFTP_VERBOSE: Print setting. 0=quiet, 1=progress(default), 2=verbose
TFTP_RETRY_COUNT: Retry count for ARP and TFTP (default=7)
TFTP_TIMEOUT: Overall timeout of operation in seconds (default=7200)
TFTP_CHECKSUM: Perform checksum test on image, 0=no, 1=yes (default=1)
FE_SPEED_MODE: 0=10/hdx, 1=10/fdx, 2=100/hdx, 3=100/fdx, 4=Auto(deflt)
Command line options:
-r: do not write flash, load to DRAM only and launch image
rommon 2 > IP_ADDERESS=
rommon 3 > IP_SUBNET_MASK=
rommon 5 > TFTP_SERVER=
rommon 6 > TFTP_FILE=c2600-jk2o3s-mz.121-3.T.bin
rommon 7 > tftpdnld
TFTP_FILE: c2600-jk2o3s-mz.121-3.T.bin
Invoke this command for disaster recovery only.
WARNING: all existing data in all partitions on flash will be lost!
Do you wish to continue? y/n: [n]: y
Receiving c2600-jk2o3s-mz.121-3.T.bin from
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