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Table 3-6. The data set used to evaluate bubblepoint pressure correlations has a wide range of values
of independent variables (1,794 lines of data from 1,794 reservoir fluid studies with worldwide origins).
Laboratory measurement
Solution gas-oil ratio at p b , R sb , scf/STB
Bubblepoint pressure, p b , psia
Reservoir temperature, T R , ºF
Stock-tank oil gravity, API , ºAPI
Separator gas specific gravity, γ gSP
Table 3-7. A comparison of published bubblepoint pressure correlation equations with data set of
table 3-6 reveals the more reliable correlations.
Predicted bubblepoint pressures
ARE, % AARE, %
Valko-McCain (2003) 0.0 10.9
Velarde et al. (1999) 1.3 12.5
McCain et al. (1998) 3.7 12.5
Labedi (1990) -0.1 12.6
Standing (1977)* -2.2 12.6
Lasater (1958)* -1.5 13.5
Levitan-Murtha (1999) a 4.2 13.8
De Ghetto et al. equation (A.4) (1994) b 3.3 13.9
Al-Shammasi (1999) c -1.6 14.3
Vazquez-Beggs (1980) 7.1 14.5
Omar-Todd (1993) d * 5.1 15.4
Kartoatmodjo-Schmidt (1994) 4.4 15.7
Dindoruk-Christman (2004) e * 0.9 16.1
Glaso (1980) 4.7 16.7
Farshad et al. (1996) f * -5.6 17.7
Al-Marhoun (1988) g * 9.1 18.0
Malallah et al. (2005) h -17.4 20.4
Dokla-Osman (1992) i * 0.1 21.8
Almehaideb (1997) j * -0.8 22.3
Macary-El Batanony (1993) k * 11.9 23.1
Khairy et al. (1998) l * 5.0 23.2
Hanafy et al. (SPE 37439, 1997)* 10.2 28.7
Petrosky-Farshad (1998) m * 17.7 37.6
Yi (2000) n 42.3 45.0
a Levitan, L.L. and Murtha, M. “New Correlations Estimate P b , FVF.” Oil & Gas Journal . Vol. 97 (March 8, 1999) 70-76. b De Ghetto, G., Paone,
F., and Villa, M. “Reliability Analysis on PVT Correlations.” Paper SPE 28904. Presented at the European Petroleum Conference, London (1994).
Al-Shammasi, A.A. “Bubble Point Pressure and Oil Formation Volume Factor Correlations.” Paper SPE 53185. Presented at the SPE Middle East
Oil Show, Bahrain (1999). d Omar, M.I. and Todd, A.C. “Development of New Modified Black Oil Correlations for Malaysian Crudes.” Paper
SPE 25338. Presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference, Singapore (1993). e Dindoruk, B. and Christman, P.G. “PVT Properties
and Viscosity Correlations for Gulf of Mexico Oils.” Society of Petroleum Engineers Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering . Vol. 7, No. 6 (2004)
427-437. f Farshad, F.F., LeBlanc, J.L., Gruber, J.D., and Osorio, J.G. “Empirical PVT Correlations for Columbian Crude Oils.” Paper SPE 36105.
Presented at the Fourth Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, Port-of-Spain (1996). g Al-Marhoun, M.A. “PVT
Correlations for Middle East Crude Oils.” Journal of Petroleum Technology . Vol. 40 (May 1988) 650-666. h Malallah, A., Gharbi, R., and
Algharaib, M. “Accurate Estimation of the World Crude Oil PVT Properties Using Graphical Alternating Conditional Expectation.” Energy & Fuels .
2006. i Dokla, M.E. and Osman, M.E. “Correlation of PVT Properties for UAE Crudes.” Society of Petroleum Engineers Formation Evaluation .
Vol. 7 (March 1992) 41-46. j Almehaideb, R.A. “Improved PVT Correlations for UAE Crude Oils.” Paper SPE 37691. Presented at the SPE
Middle East Oil Conference and Exhibition, Bahrain (1997). k Macary, S.M. and El Batanony, M.H. “Derivation of PVT Correlations for Gulf of
Suez Crude Oils.” Sekiyu Gakkaishi . Japan. Vol. 36, No. 6 (1993). l Khairy, M., El-Tayeb, S., and Hamdallah, M. “PVT Correlations Developed for
Egyptian Crudes.” Oil & Gas Journal . Vol. 98, No.18 (May 4, 1998) 114-116. m Petrosky, G.E. and Farshad, F.F. “Pressure-Volume-Temperature
Correlations for Gulf of Mexico Crude Oils.” Society of Petroleum Engineers Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering . Vol. 1 (October 1998)
416-420. n Yi, X. “Using Wellhead Sampling Data to Predict Reservoir Saturation Pressure.” Paper SPE 59700. Presented at the SPE Permian
Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Conference, Midland (2000).
* Author restricted the correlation to a specific geographical area.
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