Geoscience Reference
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Δρ p
Adjustment to oil density due to pressure, lb/cu ft,
equations (3.18e) and (3.19d)
Δρ T
Adjustment to oil density due to temperature, lb/cu ft,
equations (3.18g) and (3.19f)
γ g
Weighted average surface gas specific gravity, equation (3.4)
γ gR
Reservoir free gas specific gravity, equation (3.25)
γ gSP
Separator gas specific gravity
γ gST
Stock-tank gas specific gravity, equation (3.5a)
Stock-tank oil specific gravity
Viscosity, cp
μ ob
Oil viscosity at bubblepoint pressure, cp
μ oD
Dead oil viscosity, cp, equation (3.23a)
μ oR
Oil viscosity at reservoir conditions, cp, equation (3.23c) or
Oil density, lb/cu ft
ρ a
Apparent liquid density of total surface gases, lb/cu ft,
equation (3.17e) or (3.18c)
ρ bs
Fake density used in oil density calculations, lb/cu ft,
equations (3.18f) and (3.19e)
ρ o
Oil density, lb/cu ft
ρ ob
Oil density at bubblepoint pressure, lb/cu ft
ρ oR
Oil density at reservoir conditions, lb/cu ft, equation (3.19a)
or (3.20)
ρ oRb
Oil density at reservoir bubblepoint pressure, lb/cu ft,
equation (3.18a)
ρ po
Density of pseudoliquid created by combining (by calculation)
the stock-tank liquid with the total surface gases,
equations (3.18b) and (3.19b)
Density of stock-tank oil, lb/cu ft
Porosity, fraction
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