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Competitiveness may also play an important role in the invasion of established associations by
new fungi. Highly competitive fungi may capture and retain host-plant resources (and consequently
hosts) ahead of less competitive established associates. In aggressive beetle systems, many
coevolved associates are nonpathogenic, while more recently associated fungi exhibit varying
degrees of virulence to the host tree. Pathogenicity, by increasing competitiveness, may allow some
fungi to invade established associations because they can grow in and capture still living or recently
killed tree tissues ahead of nonpathogenic associates.
Oligophily is likely to have several important consequences for both the host beetles and the
symbiotic fungi. For any given association, fungal associates vary greatly in their effects on host-
beetle Ýtness and therefore are likely to differ in their inÞuence on host-population dynamics.
Additionally, interactions, including competition for hosts, among multiple fungal associates of a
beetle species may determine the relative abundance of each in a population, which, in turn, may
also inÞuence host-population dynamics. Oligophily may be a less desirable state than monophily
in associations that involve at least one mutualistic fungus. In such associations, for at least some
beetles in a population the mutualist can be displaced by less beneÝcial associates or by detrimental
fungi, resulting in lower overall Ýtness within a population. While cheaters are potentially detri-
mental, beetles may be unable to develop effective means of avoiding cheaters without also
negatively impacting beneÝcial associates.
I extend sincere gratitude to T.D. Paine, A. Adams, and K. Bleiker for their very helpful comments
and suggestions for this chapter.
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