Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
FIG. 5.50
Tweak the overall shape of the torso to create a more natural looking fi gure.
With the torso, we have a great starting point for our base mesh, so let's move
on and give her arms. Much like the torso, we will start with a simple cylinder
and rework the shape until we have a basic arm shape, and then we will
attach it to the torso.
First, load the scene Chapter05/Files/05_Chest.sib , or use the scene you
created in the previous section.
Initially it would be better to hide the torso for now, so select it and go to
Display > Hide Selected (or press H ).
Switch to the front viewport, go to Create > Cylinder , and open the
options window.
S e t Sections t o 8 and click Create .
You should now have a cylinder like the one in Figure 5.51, but it is obscuring
the model sheet. To work with it, we need to make it semitransparent, as we
did with the torso.
With the cylinder selected, right click on the model, and in the context
menu go to Object Display Mode > Ghosted Shade Mode .
Now we are ready to start reshaping the cylinder.
Still in the front viewport, move the cylinder up to the arm in the model
sheet ( Figure 5.52a ).
Next, rotate it so it matches the concept's orientation while also scaling it
to the arm's general shape (Figure 5.52b).
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