Graphics Programs Reference
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FIG. 5.26
Scale each row of vertices to fi t the torso shape.
FIG. 5.27
Change the selection style to Area.
Feel free to move each row up or down to try to achieve a better i t; just
remember that at this stage, we only want a rough shape.
Next, turn to the side viewport and repeat the process, adjusting the
vertices to i t the model sheet's torso (Figure 5 28). If scaling, make sure
you only scale along the Z axis or you will inadvertently adjust how your
model looks from the front.
Again, we are just looking for a general i t at this stage.
(Tip: Scaling the selected vertices rather than moving them will keep them
nicely spaced, leaving you with good topology.)
Before we move from the main torso area, we are going to remove the caps
from the cylinder. We don't need these at present so it is safe to delete them.
Following Figures 5.29 and 5.30 , select the polygons around the top and
bottom of the cylinder, remembering that D switches to face selection mode.
Next, press Delete to remove them from the model.
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