Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Silo Modeling Tools
This chapter, more than any other in the topic, most conceptually matches a
user manual for Silo. We will not be covering all of the tools (more will come
in Chapter 14), but we will cover the core functions needed for each type of
modeling in Silo. Those who are starting to feel comfortable with the software
and are coming from another 3D software package might want to skip this
chapter for now and reference the commands discussed here as necessary,
but for newcomers, we recommend that you work through this chapter
before moving on.
Throughout the later modeling chapters, important commands and processes
will be called out, and that is a great way to learn them, but those chapters
will not provide a background on the tools or a picture for how they i t into
the toolset as a whole. That is what this chapter is all about. The following
sections discuss keys tools in the context of some of the major modeling
workl ows.
B ox Modeling
Box modeling is perhaps the most popular and freeform method for working
with polygons, and it's the approach demonstrated to create the example in
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