Graphics Programs Reference
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FIG. 8.15 Add a new edge loop
around the mouth and start to form
the lips.
FIG. 8.16 Adjust the l ow of the edges to match the muscles in this area.
With the main lips in place, we can now refer back to the muscles around
the mouth. We need the edge loops to l ow around the lips; now, they move
down the face toward the chin.
Select the edges shown in Figure 8.16b .
Merge these to reroute the i rst edge loop back around the mouth, and to
optimize the area slightly.
Next, select the edges further out (Figure 8.16d).
Merging these will again clean up the topology while adjusting the
edge l ow.
Moving on, we can continue to clean up the jaw area.
Start by continuing the Cuts down from her mouth, onto her neck
( Figure 8.17b ).
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