Graphics Programs Reference
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FIG. 8.1 Divide the face.
FIG. 8.2 Divide the nose area next.
First, create three Cuts horizontally.
Then create another Cut down the center of the face (Figure 8.1).
With those in place, focus on the nose area and, as illustrated in Figure 8 2,
create four more vertical Cuts down the face.
Before you move on, adjust the geometry to achieve a basic nose shape.
We are going to build in some new geometry now, which will help us dei ne
the nostrils.
Following Figure 8.3, begin by deleting the two faces shown. These are
roughly where the nostrils would naturally be.
Select the three edges on the inner nostril and Extrude them out to meet
the edge of the holes (Figure 8.3c).
Merge the vertices from the extrude to the ones on the head (Figure 8.3d).
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