Graphics Programs Reference
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FIG. 7.69
Adjust the topology on the top of the hand.
FIG. 7.70
Create a series of cuts on the upper hand.
Next, continue these cuts, connecting them with the base of each i nger
as shown in Figure 7.70b.
Finally, cut in front of each knuckle as shown. This will turn the triangles
into quads.
With the extra geometry in place you can easily reshape the top of the
hand to enhance the knuckles (Figure 7.71).
Time for some topology tidying. If we look at the back of the hand, we can
optimize it slightly, without af ecting the overall shape.
Select the edges running back from between each i nger ( Figure 7.72 a).
Merge these edges.
Now select the triangle near the thumb and Delete it ( Figure 7.72 c).
We are going to move on to the underneath of the hand now. First, we need
to create a cut that will help us dei ne the base of the thumb.
Starting from the knuckles, Cut the hand as shown in Figure 7.73, working
your way around the base of the thumb.
With that cut in place, we are free to adjust the palm's topology to take
advantage of the new edge loop.
Select the edges shown in Figure 7.74 a and Merge them.
Next, create the Cuts shown in Figure 7.74 b.
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