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body part or some new detail is added to the character, you will see non-
quads created (either triangles (“tris”) or polygons with more than four sides
(“n-gons”)) and then quickly eliminated using various techniques.
Using quads does not guarantee a clean mesh free of problems. Still, there are
some compelling reasons for sticking with quads as much as possible:
Quads subdivide beautifully . Subdivision is really the process of creating
quads within polygons, and then dividing those quads into more quads,
so starting with quads just makes sense. When starting with a triangle or
n-gon, the results can be dramatically less predictable. In Figure 2.3, while
the square is neatly and evenly subdivided, the triangle has started to
show some pinching, and the nine-sided polygon includes odd pinching
and potentially problematic spacing.
Quads make adding detail easier . Subdivision surface modeling,
particularly when it comes to what is called “box modeling,” is all about
roughing out shapes and then adding detail later. The best way to do
this is with groups of nicely maintained polygons that can be quickly and
cleanly divided. Triangles and n-gons often require individual attention
and cannot be worked on as easily in a group.
Cleaner interpretation in other software programs and game engines .
Some programs have a hard time dealing with n-gons. They may interpret
them a little dif erent from Silo or other software programs, which can
cause hiccups when trying to i nalize a project. To prevent hassle, it is
often just easiest to stick with quads.
Professional projects almost always use quads . Based on the reasons
just cited, pros usually stick to quads, which means if you ever want to
try your hand at freelance work, or even produce a professional-quality
project with fellow amateurs, the expectations will likely be almost
FIG. 2.3 Quads subdivide into a nice, even polygon mesh. The same cannot always be said for triangles
or n-gons.
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