Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
FIG. 5.75
M ove to the back of the model and continue to merge the vertices.
FIG. 5.76
Regenerate her right side using the Mirror Geometry tool.
performed. First, Undo the delete; then, to disable symmetry, simply select the
model, press Alt N , and redo the delete.
Select the remaining model and go to Modify > Mirroring > Mirror
Geometry to generate the opposite side (Figure 5.76c). Make sure Enable
Symmetry is ticked in the options box.
(Note: Some of you might be wondering why we don't use a mirrored instance
at this stage. An instance is just the application displaying the same geometry
twice, which would work, but we need our model to be seamless down the
center. With a mirrored instance, there would be a noticeable seam as both
models would still be separate.)
Now we can start to i ll in the gap, and because we have enabled symmetry,
we only need to worry about one side.
As seen in Figure 5.77, look from underneath the model and select the
four edges on either side of the hole.
T o i ll these we will create Bridge , so go to Modify > Bridge (or press
Shift B ) to connect the two sides (Figure 5.77b).
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