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At this point, we have a decent torso and arm, but we need a simple, quad-
based hand that we can add detail to later. This will complete the left arm,
which we can easily mirror later to generate her right arm.
If you navigate to the wrist area of the arm you created, you will see we still
have a cap. We do need geometry here, but at present the topology isn't
correct, so to begin we need to rebuild this area.
For this section, it is probably easier to work on the i rst subdivision level
of your model, so press V to step back to the lower resolution mesh.
As illustrated in Figure 5.60 , i rst select the polygons of the cap and delete
them. This opens the wrist nicely.
What we need are three vertical quads, but rather than trying to build in
a new polygon and connect it, we can use a simple Bridge to help us. This
connects the selected edges with a new polygon, bridging the gap.
Select the upper and lower edges of the wrist (Figure 5.60c).
To create the Bridge , go to Modify > Bridge or press Shift B .
This leaves two holes on either side, which we can quickly i ll using the Fill
Hole tool .
Select an edge around the i rst hole and press Shift F (or go to Modify
> Fill Hole ) to i ll it.
Repeat this for the second hole, i lling in the wrist and giving us the three
quads we need.
We are now in a much better position to construct our hand. The three vertical
quads will act as the base for the i rst three i ngers, and to help us we will use
the Extrude tool .
The Extrude tool will literally pull new geometry out of your model—be it
faces or edges—and gives you a great way to quickly add details to any model.
Following Figure 5.61 , i rst select the new faces at the wrist and go to
Modify > Extrude .
FIG. 5.60
Rebuild the wrist using the Bridge and Fill Hole tools.
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