Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Second, the magnitude of k for a given reaction order may be very different;
the reason is that for a chemical reaction to proceed, the concerned molecules must
have a closely defined state (for example, orientation). This condition is related to a
probabilistic behavior which in term depends on the activation energy - sometimes
called “Arrhenius” factor. Because the range of activation energy is large, the rate
constants take very different values. Temperature Dependence of the Reaction Constant
A closer look at the “Arrhenius factor” is obtained by considering the dependency
of k on the temperature T . This property is often used to modify the equilibrium
state of biochemical reactions like DNA hybridization, as we will see later on. The
dependency of the rate constant k on the temperature T is given by Arrhenius law
The two parameters A and E a /R are called the Arrhenius parameters; more
specifically, A is the “frequency” factor and E a /R is the activation energy. These
parameters are usually determined graphically from experimental results as shown
in Figure 7.13. The intercept is ln A and the value of the slope - E a /RT .
High activation energy corresponds to a very steep slope and a very important
dependency of k on the temperature. For the rate constant k be really a constant,
the activation energy must be zero. Another form of (7.9) is
k A e
Figure  7.13  Schematic drawing of the relation (7.9) showing the Arrhenius parameters A and
E a / RT .
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