Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 5.25  Random walk of 10 nm particles originated at the location (0,0). Left, from top to bot-
tom: trajectories for 1, 10, and 500 nanoparticles in a time interval of 50 seconds. Right, from top to
bottom: end point of 1, 10, 500 nanoparticles at t = 50 seconds.
Figure 5.26  Square of average distance of particles versus time. From top to bottom: 1, 10, and
500 nanoparticles. In the third figure at bottom, the curve is nearly linear and its slope is approxi-
mately 2.10 - 4 /50 = 400 m m 2 /s. If we relate this value to the relation < d 2 > = 4 Dt , the value of the
slope must be 4 D and we find D = 10 - 10 m 2 is which is the input value in the model.
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