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smoking. Our analysis has shown that a 4-stage homogeneous stochastic
model ts the data well. This model appears to be consistent with the
molecular biological model of squamous cell lung carcinoma proposed by
Wistuba 67 . By assuming a 4-stage model for the data we have obtained the
following results:
(1) The tobacco nicotine is both an initiator and promoter.
(2) The mutation rates can best be described by the Cox regression
model so that j (i; t) = j0 (t) expf j1 (t)x i g; j = 0; 1; similarly, the birth
rates b j (i; t) and the death rates d j (i; t) can best be described by linear
regression models.
(3) The estimates of the mutation rates and proliferation rates appear
to be consistent with biological observations.
8. Acknowledgments
The research of this paper is supported by a research grant from NCI/NIH,
grant number R15113347-01.
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