Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 5.
Boxplot for spectral modes of multifractality.
spectral Mode than the Control group. Comparing these two groups, we
can tell that the PRB from the Control group is further from monofractal
than group #2 since the Broadness measure of group #2 is the small-
est. Therefore, we can claim that the PRB of individuals from the Control
group is very smooth although the fractal properties are relatively inhomo-
geneous, which implies the causes of the regularity are quite rich. Group
#1 is located on the very left-bottom side of the plane and hence it repre-
sents measurements with much more irregular dynamics and homogeneous
fractal properties, which indicates the cause of the irregularity is relatively
simple. Group #3 located near the top left side signies that the measure-
ments are quite irregular and have inhomogeneous fractal properties, which
indicates the cause of the irregularity is not single.
Another important task in the analysis of these measurements is the
classier building. Among the many candidates, the k-nearest-neighbor
classier is chosen because of its inherent nonparametric characteristic.
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