Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 4.
A 3 Layer MLP
If the output q = (q 1 ; : : : ; q n ) for a given input p = (p 1 ; : : : ; p r ) is
known, then the pair (p; q) is known as a training pattern because the
pair can be used to estimate the weights w kl and jk necessary for the
stimulus p to predict a classification of q. The energy function for a
p 1 ; q 1
; : : : ; (p r ; q r ) of training patterns is dened
E = 1
yq i
where y = (y 1 ; : : : ; y n ) and where the norm is dened by the corresponding
dot product. The network is trained to a collection of training patterns if
@w kl
@ jk
= 0 and
= 0
at the inputs p i for all l = 1 : : : r; k = 1 : : : m; and j = 1 : : : n: Because these
equations cannot be solved directly, a gradient-following method called the
backpropagation algorithm is used instead. The algorithm is based on the
0 = (1) ;
which can be used to simplify @E=@ jk and @E=@w kl . In particular,
for each training pattern (p i ; q i ), a 3-layer MLP rst calculates y as
the output to p i ; which is the feedforward
The weights jk are
subsequently adjusted using
jk ! jk + j k
where k = (w k x k ), where > 0 is a xed parameter called the
learning rate, and where
q j y j
j = y j (1y j )
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