Biomedical Engineering Reference
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5. Instability Study
Our lung model was used to simulate spontaneously breathing patients with
obstructive lung disease ventilated with PSV using the following parame-
ters: R i = R e = 20 cmH 2 O/L/s, P set = 22 cmH 2 O, P peep = 5 cmH 2 O,
D = 0:75, C = 0:6; 0:08; 0:10; and 0.12 L/cmH 2 O, f = 14; 16; 18; 20; and 22
breaths/min, over a range of ow cut-o settings from 5% to 80% of peak
inspiratory ow (0:050:80), and pressure triggering levels of 1, 3,
5, 10 and 15 cmH 2 O. Instability is said to occur if the tidal volume (V T )
coecient of variation (CV) is greater than 10% where CV = 100
or there is a positive integer i such that t (i)
6= t (j)
tot , if i 6= j which denes
\skipped breaths."
Figure 3 shows the tidal volume coecient of variation (CV) computed
from the lung volume, calculated from our mathematical model (4)-(5)
over 100 consecutive breaths. In Figure 3(a), CV is greater than 10% if
0:08 < < 0:09 and 0:31 < < 0:36. At these points, the tidal volume
V T is unstable. In Figure 3(b-d), skipped breaths are seen to occur for
0:08 < < 0:09 and 0:31 < < 0:36. For example, at = 0:36, there are
65 breaths with t tot n) = 120
and 35 breaths with t (n)
tot = 6 f . At these points,
V T is unstable. Figure 3(e) shows the volume wave form for = 0:20, for
which CV < 10% and there is no skipped breath, that is, for all n, t (n)
tot = 12 f ,
so that V T is stable. Figure 3(f) shows the volume wave form for = 0:35,
for which CV > 10%, so that V T is unstable. There is an i = 14 such that
t (14)
= 6 6= 3 = t (j)
tot , j = 1; 2; :::; 13 .
We plotted the ow cut-o, , against lung compliance C in Figure 4 in
which P sen is 1:0 and 15:0 cmH 2 O. It is observed here that lower values of
P sen gives rise to more unstable regions at higher cut-o values. Moreover,
instability is greater with a higher compliance. Figures 5 and 6 show that
increasing respiratory frequency, resistance or compliance exacerbates the
instability of ventilatory support.
6. Comparison of Model Simulation with Experimental
A comparison of model simulations and experimental data with C = 0:08
L/cmH 2 O, P set = 22 cmH 2 O, P peep = 5 cmH 2 O, t tot = 6 s, P sen = 15
cmH 2 O, f = 20 breaths/min, R i = R e = 15 cmH 2 O/L/s, is shown in Fig-
ure 7. In this gure, the tidal volume coecient of variation (CV) computed
from the lung volume calculated from our mathematical model (4)-(5) over
100 consecutive breaths. It is then plotted against the ow cut-o . The
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