Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Table 2. Eigenvalues and Fourier coecients for decomposed exper-
imental waveform (voltage responses to current step) and for model
with exponentially-distributed membrane capacitance. Experimental
data came from a selected spinal motoneuron from Glenn and others
(1987). Amplitude coecients are reported as a fraction of the steady
state value, V = 0:01266
Experimental Data
Model Prediction
5.28 ms
5.28 ms
0.787 ms
0.866 ms
A 0
0.4826 ms
A 1
0.2891 ms
Fig. 3. Experimental data (solid line) t with a recording from the exponentially varying
membrane capacity model (dashed line), from 1 ms to 10 ms.
5. Comparison of Model Responses to Experimental
The question addressed was whether a single membrane cylinder model
with sealed ends and a point or exponential distribution of C m could ac-
count for the voltage response of single quasi-cylindrical cells to a cur-
rent pulse. Experimental data from studies on spinal motoneurons (stim-
ulation and response determined at X = 0) were used for this purpose.
The values of C; R m , C m , and L were chosen from empirical studies on
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