Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Following the Gauss-Newton least square estimation discussed by sec-
tion 3.2, we find estimations for a and b . The MATLAB computation results
are summarized below.
General model:
FITTEDMODEL(x) = a/b*(x-1/b*(1-exp(-b*x)))
Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
a = 0.002185 (0.001524, 0.002845)
b = 0.01727 (-0.01574, 0.05029)
sse: 0.0129
rsquare: 0.9854
dfe: 11
adjrsquare: 0.9840
rmse: 0.0342
numobs: 13
numparam: 2
residuals: [13x1 double]
Jacobian: [13x2 double]
exitflag: 1
iterations: 7
funcCount: 22
firstorderopt: 1.4601e-004
algorithm: 'Gauss-Newton'
The estimated baseline hazard function is
h 0 ( t )=0 . 1265(1
0 . 01727 t )) .
(4 . 1)
Figure 2 shows the fit for the cumulative baseline hazard. Figure 3 plots
the baseline hazard as a function of time.
4.4. Survival Model Testing
With the help of MATLAB command newff , a feed-forward backpropaga-
tion network is constructed to simulate the survival model. This network
has a total of three layers: an input layer of dimension 6, a hidden layer of
dimension 3, and an output layer of dimension 1. The unit of output layer
may assume a value of “0” or “1”, representing “alive” and “dead” respec-
tively. More hidden levels are proven not to improve NN performance. Since
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