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where 0 is a vector of 0's and the risk-weighted covariate mean is given by:
i=1 I(C i > t)Z i (t) expf T Z i (t)g
i=1 I(C i > t) expf T Z i (t)g :
We can re-express the left side of (6) in a perhaps more familiar form as
Z(t; ) =
N i
fZ i (T ij )Z(T ij ; )g;
without the stochastic integral. In the univariate survival setting, where
time until a single event is studied and subjects cannot experience multiple
events (i.e., N i 1), the left side of (7) reduces to the partial likelihood 6
score equation,
i fZ i (T ij )Z(T ij ; )g;
where i = I(T i < C i ). The correspondence between the Cox score equa-
tion and (7) makes sense in light of the close connection between the propor-
tional hazards and proportional rates models. As such, standard software
(e.g., PROC PHREG in SAS; coxph in R) can be used to t the propor-
tional rates model, as described in Allison 1 and Therneau and Hamilton 23 .
The model of current interest is given by:
E[dN i (t)jZ i ] = d 0 (t) expf(t)Z i g;
the non-proportional rates model, which allows the covariate eects to
depend on time. Since the software cannot tell the dierence between (t)Z i
and Z i (t), we can estimate (t) in (8) by tting (2) and adding time-
dependent elements to Z i which reect the nature of the hypothesized time-
dependence of the eects suspected of being non-proportional. For example,
returning to (4), a time-dependent treatment eect could be specied by
the model,
E[dN i (t)jZ i ] = d 0 (t) expf( 0 + t)Z i g;
where estimators
could be computed by tting the model,
E[dN i (t)jZ i ] = d 0 (t) expf 0 Z i + Z i tg:
Model (9) allows the eect of Z i on the event rate to change exponentially
with time. Naturally, other functional forms are possible. Depending on
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