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can accommodate time-dependent covariates (which play a key role in our
application), we focus on model (2).
The proportional means/rates models, (1) and (2), can be considered
recurrent event analogs of the Cox 5 proportional hazards model, for ap-
plication to recurrent event data. Model (2) also has a close connection to
the Andersen-Gill 2 model, which can be written as:
d i (t)E[dN i (t)jF i (t)] = d 0 (t) expf 0 Z i (t)g;
whereF i (t) can be thought of as the event history for subject i at time t.
One could refer to (3) and (2) as conditional and marginal models, respec-
tively. Practitioners may prefer the latter for at least two reasons. First,
it is often dicult to captureF i (t) through the covariate vector; e.g., by
including N i (t) or various other related functions ofF i (t) as elements
in Z i (t). Second, consider a study with one covariate, Z i (t) = Z i , which
takes the value 1 for `treated' subjects and 0 for those receiving placebo.
Compare two models, a marginal model,
E[dN i (t)jZ i ] = d 0 (t) expf 0 Z i g;
and a conditional model,
E[dN i (t)jZ i ; N i (t)] = d 0 (t) expf 0 Z i + N N i (t)g:
The quantity expf 0 gfrom (4) can be interpreted as the ratio of the event
rate, treated versus placebo (reference) subjects; that is,
E[dN i (t)jZ i = 1]
E[dN i (t)jZ i = 0]
= expf 0 g:
The quantity expf 0 gfrom model (5) would be making the same compari-
son, but restricting attention to subjects with the same number of previous
events; i.e.,
E[dN i (t)jZ i = 1; N i (t) = m]
E[dN i (t)jZ i = 0; N i (t) = m]
= expf 0 g:
If Z i aects the event rate, E[dN i (t)], then it will also aect the N i (t)
and, provided events within-subject are positively correlated, conditioning
on the previous number of events will attenuate the estimated marginal
eect of Z i ; i.e.,j 0 j<j 0 j.
The estimate of the parameter of interest in the proportional rates
model, 0 , is the solution to the estimating equation,
fZ i (t)Z(t; )gdN i (t) = 0;
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