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If the noise is Poisson type, then H 1 implies that the local rate r k is:
r k = ax k + r 0 ;
where r 0 characterizes the dark current.
We wish to see that, given the data s, whether H 1 is more favorable or
H 0 is. This can be done by computing the odds, i.e., taking the ratio of
two probabilities p(H 1 js) and p(H 0 js):
p(H 1
p(H 0 js; t 0 ) = p(M 1
js; t 0 )
js; t 0 )
p(M 0 js; t 0 ) :
If the odds is large compared to one, we can be condent that there is
a peak in the window, while if it is approximately one we interpret that
as saying there is only weak evidence of a peak in the window (because
a = 0 is a possible estimate of the peak intensity, which we interpret as `no
peak'). Therefore, one may set a threshold for peak detection.
In order to compute the odds in 10, let us invoke Bayes' theorem:
p(XjY; I) = p(YjX; I)p(XjI)
Identify Y as data, s, observed in the window, and X as the model M k :
js; t 0 ) = p(sjM k ; t 0 )p(M k
jt 0 )
p(M k
p(sjt 0 )
If there is no reason to prefer M 0 over M 1 , then one should assign equal
prior probabilities, i.e., p(M 0 jt 0 ) = p(M 1 jt 0 ) = 1=2. Then, when take the
ratio in 10, the denominator would cancel and we have the simple result
p(H 1 js; t 0 )
p(H 0
js; t 0 ) = p(M 1 js; t 0 )
js; t 0 ) = p(sjM 1 ; t 0 )
p(sjM 0 ; t 0 ) :
p(M 0
Hence, we need to calculate the probability of observing the data s
given the model M k , p(sjM k ; t 0 ), a quantity called marginal likelihood,
or evidence, and is not conditional on any parameters. It can be computed
through marginalization.
Since, M k implies a particular noise process, we may characterize it by
parameter (e.g., the variance and mean for a Gaussian process or the
`dark' current rate r 0 for a Poisson process), and notice that ion counts at
dierent times are independent, then the likelihood function, i.e., the
probability of observing the particular count sequence s = (s 1 ; s 2 s N )
given model M k and its associated parameters (a; ) is simply:
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